CASH - 2019
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Informal International Partners

  • Laure Gonnord has regular collaborations with Fernando Pereira from UFMG, Brasil (5 publications in total, last in 2017). End of 2019 they have restarted discussions with Gabriel Radanne about proving termination properties of linux kernel BPF programs. These programs must be always terminating, and we hope to be able to prove these properties in a scalable way with the termite analyser.

  • In 2018 Laure Gonnord has began a collaboration with Tobias Grösser, from ETH Zurich, and in end of 2019 this collaboration has been extended to involved more people of Verimag (David Monniaux) and CASH, in the contexte of a europeean project proposal around certified polyhedral optimisation.

  • In 2019, Laure Gonnord has pursued her collaboration with Sebastien Mosser, who moved from univ Nice to UQAM (Quebec, Canada). This collaboration has led to shared interns and a “inria associate team” proposal late in october 2019, which got accepted in January 2019.

  • Ludovic Henrio has regular collaborations with: University of Oslo and University of Bergen in Norway (Cristal C. Din, Einar B. Johnsen, and Silvia Lizeth. Tapia Tarifa, Violet K.I. Pun); Reiner Hähnle (TU Darmstadt), Wolfgang Ahrendt (Chalmers); Kiko Fernandez-Reyes, Dave Clarke, and Tobiaas Wrigstad (Univ Uppsala); Christoph Kessler and Ahmed Rezine (Univ of Linköping).